Energy and Environment
Energy Sector in Transition: New Opportunities in Structural Change
Highly Complex: Economy and Environment in Harmony
It must be sustainable, future-proof, and yet affordable: The structural change in the energy and environmental sectors is complex. It is profound and challenging. At the same time, it promises enormous opportunities and prospects for success. The expansion of photovoltaics is booming, wind and hydropower are lagging, while the green hydrogen economy is unfolding, in part through the production of electrolyzers.
Nuclear power: a thing of the past. Gas consumption: reduced. Coal phase-out: 2038.
The transformation in Germany’s power mix has many drivers – climate protection goals, expansion of renewable energies, efficiency improvements, and geopolitical factors. And it has a massive impact: Germany's energy and environmental sectors are undergoing an intense structural change.
Wolfram Hackbarth, Director»The energy market has long been fiercely competitive. Currently, the intense structural change is even transforming established business models. The SME sector may need to reorient itself.«
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