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Media and Technology

Media and Technology

Innovation and Growth in the Digital Age

The boundaries between media and technology have merged.

Prefer streaming a movie at home. Prefer scrolling through news on social media. Prefer podcasts over radio and playlists over records. What happens on a small scale is disruptive on a large scale: Digital transformation has turned telecommunications companies into media enterprises. Publishing houses have shed their printing operations and founded digital agencies. Increasingly, media companies are merging with software companies.

Martin Hammer
Martin Hammer, Managing Partner

»Consulting in Tech & Media creates clear strategies for sustainable success.«

The drivers of change? A completely changed media consumption

But that's not all. Streaming and on-demand are just two keywords: While a completely changed media consumption takes place, technological transformation and the pace of innovation are accelerating. New players are entering the markets. Global content increases choice and demand. Modern platforms and new advertising formats are pushing traditional ones back. And on top of that? Artificial Intelligence creates personalized content.

We don't just accompany the change of your company:
We take responsibility for it.

No digital transformation process is complete without the optimization of processes and organization: We connect necessary new implementations with the further planning and development of your business. Fast, efficient, and measurable. Because it takes more than a new CRM: It requires awareness. It requires know-how. It requires capital. The right network. And strong partners. enomyc brings revenue strength and project experience – in digital and financial dimensions.

Consulting services

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Financial Advisory

Entrepreneurial success and freedom through experienced, connected financial consulting.

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Corporate M&A

Strategic Expertise for Growth and Corporate Value.

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Debt Advisory

Financing optimization and capital preservation for sustainable growth.



Industry experts



Leverage industry-specific insights and strategies that propel your business objectives forward. We offer solutions precisely tailored to the unique challenges and growth opportunities of your industry.


Activate Business Growth

Maximize your business growth and secure long-term success through strategic consulting in Strategy & Corporate Performance, Financial Advisory, Corporate M&A, Real Estate, and Digital Strategy.


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